回复 :七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,小人物和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。
回复 :George Peppard plays a hard-driven industrialist more than a little reminiscent of Howard Hughes.While he builds airplanes, directs movies and breaks hearts, his friends and lovers try to reach his human side, and find that it's an uphill battle.The film's title is a metaphor for self-promoting tycoons who perform quick financial takeovers, impose dictatorial controls for short-term profits, then move on to greener pastures.The Carpetbaggers is the kind of trashy classic most people were too embarrassed to admit they enjoyed back in the early 60s.But this Harold Robbins adaptation is so cheerfully vulgar, it's hard not to have a good time - especially given the thinly veiled portrait of Howard Hughes at its center. George Peppard plays the heel-hero, who founds an airline company in the 1920s and buys a movie studio in the 1930s, crushing friends and mistresses along the way.The high cheese factor is aided by the good-time cast Carroll Baker as Peppard's hot stepmom, Bob Cummings (quite funny) as a cynical agent, and Elizabeth Ashley, who married Peppard, in her debut -uncharacteristically, as a good girl.One sad note is Alan Ladd, looking and sounding very end-of-the-line in his final role, as a man's man cowboy star.Elmer Bernstein's swaggering score helps goose the action along.
回复 :故事发生在1993年的夏天,陈思绪(耿乐 饰)因为高考第四次落榜而对考试已经心灰意冷,带着女友郭萍(常洁萍 饰),两人决定离家出走,去寻找传说中的灵芝培育术,将全部的期望都寄托在这上面。最终,从郑大姐那里,他们花高价买走了提取类固醇的技术项目,可回去后才发现郑大姐是一个实实在在的骗子。愤怒的两人又折返回去找郑大姐讨一个说法。陈思绪的家人已经对这个儿子失望透顶了,于是给了他几千块钱,让他出去打工,而郭萍回家后毫不意外的遭到了一顿毒打。悲愤之中,郭萍离家出走,找到陈思绪,想和他一起到南方打拼,一对情侣就这样上路了。