最新A feature length documentary on the acclaimed work and eclectic career of maverick filmmaker Larry Cohen (BLACK CAESAR, GOD TOLD ME TO, Q THE WINGED SERPENT, THE STUFF, PHONE BOOTH).
最新A feature length documentary on the acclaimed work and eclectic career of maverick filmmaker Larry Cohen (BLACK CAESAR, GOD TOLD ME TO, Q THE WINGED SERPENT, THE STUFF, PHONE BOOTH).
回复 :跟随本纪录片,探索魔方的世界纪录创造者之间的特殊情谊和非凡的竞争精神。
回复 :公元前72年,古羅馬一段悲壯的奴隸抗爭故事交織出愛恨情仇……古羅馬奴隸斯巴迪格斯不堪暴虐的統治,決定率領其他奴隸發動起義,以圖推翻羅馬帝國暴政。這部三小時的史詩式鉅獻深刻反映人民追求自由的永恆鬥爭,場面之浩瀚、氣勢之磅礡,悲壯非凡
回复 :In this delicate, deceptively small-scale drama from award-winning Iranian director Reza Mirkarimi, Youness, an ageing taxi driver, takes a young woman to a hospital at the end of his working day not knowing what awaits him there.