回复 :Marco Mejia, a gender non-conforming high school graduate who lands the gig of a lifetime interning at a cosmetics company whose products he panned on YouTube. Madolyn Addison, CEO, entrepreneur and founder of Glamorous Cosmetics and former supermodel, built one of the top companies in the world from the ground up. However, something's happening of late. The company isn't just slipping, it's plummeting, like it's being sabotaged from the inside. Not about to let that happen, Madolyn hires Marco right out of high school to be her summer intern. She has a plan, she wants him to be her eyes and ears, to make friends and find out what's going on behind her back, to discover "what they're hiding and what they're stealing." In exchange, she'll teach Marco everything she knows, but she warns him "This business isn't all glitter and glamour and neither is life".
回复 :配合2014年西方情人节和中国农历元宵佳节,香港TVB跨国企划并邀请亚太地区一众人气歌手艺人,拍摄4部以《A Time of Love爱情来的时候》为主题的爱情短剧,情牵大马、日本、韩国和新加坡4地。劇集由「都市」、「悲」、「喜」及「卡通」四個單元組成,各有吸引力。曾傳緋聞的佘詩曼與马国明將到新加坡拍攝「都市」單元,兩人首次合作,阿佘飾演美艷上司,與戇直青年马国明撻着,令人期待;向來喊功一流的鍾嘉欣改演喜劇,到韓國拍攝「喜」單元,飾演貪錢「13點」,以搞笑有趣演繹與韓星延正勛的一對;剛在《My盛Lady》放笑彈的徐子珊則擔演「悲」單元,素顏上陣挑戰苦情戲,化身「港版宋慧喬」到馬來西亞催淚拍攝,劇情講述她撞車後失憶,周旋於台劇《犀利人妻》兩位男主角溫昇豪及宥勝之間;搞笑能手王祖藍則到日本拍攝「卡通」單元,撮合台灣飛輪海成員炎亞綸及日本女星渡邊直美,有...
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