免费When Luna, a battered wife, and Bela, an empowered artist, meet for the first time, their hearts will be freed by the people and society that chain them.
免费When Luna, a battered wife, and Bela, an empowered artist, meet for the first time, their hearts will be freed by the people and society that chain them.
回复 :A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
回复 :大理寺侍郎顾天凌请少白到将军府暗查其到底有无谋反。少白却意外发现将军二夫人就是之前的绣娘。而本是男人的绣娘竟是夜叉组织大护法笑无常。最终笑无常轻松脱逃,离去前警告少白,将有更多人因他而死。
回复 :漫画店打工仔Clarence Worley(克里斯汀·史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)生日的时候,在电影院邂逅了美女Alabama Whitman (帕特丽夏·阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰),两人一夜春宵。第二天,Alabama告诉Cla rence她是个妓女,是Clarence的老板送给他的生日礼物,但她爱上了他。Clarence决定将Alabama从皮条客Drexl Spivey(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)手中拯救出来。夜总会的一阵混战后,Clarence开枪将Drexl杀死,并拿走了一个他以为属于Alabama的手提箱。后来两人发现,手提箱里竟有大量可卡因。两人欣喜若狂,开始流浪,寻找将可卡因换成现金的机会。两人一路来到了洛杉矶,找到了Clarence的老友Dick Ritchie(迈克尔·拉帕波特 Michael Rapaport 饰)。Dick是个在好莱坞混迹的演员,他把一位能转手可卡因的导演Lee介绍给二人。而另一边,被Drexl偷走了大量可卡因的黑帮老大Vincenzo Coccotti(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰)也带着一帮人开始寻找两人的踪迹。一场场大战即将上演,到底这对恋人的罗曼史能否延续下去?