明里A 300-year-old lesbian vampire and her lover stay at a posh European resort. They seduce a sadistic husband and his beautiful wife. The husband is soon found dead, and his wife joins the two vampires.
明里A 300-year-old lesbian vampire and her lover stay at a posh European resort. They seduce a sadistic husband and his beautiful wife. The husband is soon found dead, and his wife joins the two vampires.
回复 :40年代的美国,“教父”维托·唐·柯里昂(马龙·白兰度 饰)是黑手党柯里昂家族的首领,带领家族从事非法的勾当,但同时他也是许多弱小平民的保护神,深得人们爱戴。因为拒绝了毒枭索洛索的毒品交易要求,柯里昂家族和纽约其他几个黑手党家族的矛盾激化。圣诞前夕,索洛索劫持了“教 父”的参谋汤姆,并派人暗杀“教父”;因为内奸的出卖,“教父”的大儿子逊尼被仇家杀害;小儿子麦克(阿尔·帕西诺 饰)也被卷了进来,失去爱妻。黑手党家族之间的矛盾越来越白热化。年老的“教父”面对丧子之痛怎样统领全局?黑手党之间的仇杀如何落幕?谁是家族的内奸?谁又能够成为新一代的“教父”?血雨腥风和温情脉脉,在这部里程碑式的黑帮史诗巨片里真实上演。©豆瓣
回复 :There is no way to write a "spoiler"---is there actually somebody somewhere who, ten minutes into this 1950's film, wouldn't know where it is going and will end up---since it is a strictly written-by-the-numbers corruption and redemption meller that finds: number 1, a doctor returns from the Korean War to his Pennsylvania mining hometown, (and 2) must choose between dedicating himself to treating the suffering poor (or 3) build himself a swank office and get rich by flattering wealthy women with imaginary ailments. Throw in elements no. 5,Lizabeth Scott as a rich, spoiled, twice-divorced woman with a lip stiffer than his, and number 6, Dianne Foster as a nurse bent on helping all mankind, and there are no surprises left, especially if one take note of the name of Irving Wallace among the writers, the title and Scott billed above Foster. The only surprise here is that this film wasn't from Universal-International and directed by Douglas Sirk.
回复 :一位父亲和他十几岁的双胞胎儿子在世界尽头的一座偏远农舍里为生存而战。