亚洲影视Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
亚洲影视Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
回复 :1980年代初,东北某城市。即将退位的临江市委书记韩涛(李默然 饰)为谁来接班大伤脑筋,儿媳吕莎(方舒 饰)劝他为贤人是用,他却心存顾虑。刘钊(庞学勤 饰)是个勇于开拓型的干部,直率的性格平日里得罪不少人,副市长丁晓(王村人 饰)则老谋深算,谙熟为官之道。吕莎深爱着离异的刘钊,他们一个是精神病人的妻子,一个是被妻子抛弃的丈夫。而韩涛既不能无视刘钊勇于改革所取成就,又反感他锋芒必露、咄咄逼人的斗争锐气。在省委组织部安排的一次书记人选民调测验中,由于事前受丁晓的蛊惑,他无奈地投了弃权票。丁晓煽动啤酒厂江胖子(詹靖波 饰)告诬状,阻挠刘钊抓临江大厦工程,整个临江暗流涌动......本片根据李国文同名小说改编。
回复 :特立独行、技术高超的杀手杰克(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)来到意大利乡下的一座田园小镇,打算执行完这次任务后金盆洗手——为女杀手组装一支专用步枪。在这相对简单平静的环境里,原本低调谨慎的杰克出乎意料的与当地居民建立了深厚的友谊。不仅如此,他还邂逅了美丽的妓女克莱拉(薇奥兰特·普拉西多 Violante Placido饰),一段浪漫的爱情由此展开。然而,这杀手生涯中的最后一次任务,却远没有想象中的简单。本片根据马丁·布斯的小说《一位非常低调的绅士》改编而成。
回复 :Procida, a little Island in the gulf of Naples. Last days of summer. The adolescence of Domenico is coming to an end, just like his tormented relationship with Marcello. Domenico looks for hospitality at Antonios house, his best friend, but soon he finds himself alone with the thirteen years old Antonios brother Lallo. A journey of discovery starts, between adolescence and maturity. The meeting with Sara, a transsexual woman, will bring to light the desires of the two young boys.