A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
回复 :在缅因州某个宁静的小镇上,居民们均能守望相助地过活。可是,当这儿开设了一间古董店后,竟然令当地人生活起了变化,居民变得异常暴戾,为小故互相攻击。探长彭本苦无线索,头痛不已,开始怀疑古董店老板古伦的一举一动,最后发现一些耐人寻味的内幕。
回复 :眼盲的教授杰克经历了一场极具实验性的手术来恢复视力,但捐赠给他的那双眼睛却是来自一位心狠手辣的杀人魔,彷彿被附身的杰克因此性情大变,而他的妻子也被迫面临这失控的一切。
回复 :神秘怪物突袭,整个纽约城被冰封。新生代超能敢死队来到位于纽约市消防局的敢死队总部基地,在初代敢死队成员的帮助下重拾经典装备,拯救危在旦夕的城市。