回复 :Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bikes. This spectacularly choreographed total action dynamic thriller plunges into the darkest corners of vicious revenge in gorgeous locations.Luong Đình Dũng makes a 180-degree turn from his two previous films “Father and Son” and “Drowsy City”, to deliver a jaw-droppingly breath-taking spectacle of massive fistfights, vigorous chases, sword duels, sharp wounds, and twisty traps. Non-chronological sentimental flashbacks offer shocking, gripping and plausible motivations for frantic anger, savaged fury, extreme torture, and an unchained desire to kill.Humbly honest truck driver Hung learns that the depression and paranoia of his teenage daughter An was caused by recent kidnapping and molestation. Enraged, the loving father rides to take revenge on creepy psycho paedophile millionaire who is protected by his spoilt and merciless musician son, wretched stubborn henchmen and filthy slutty female bikers. These bastards deserve gritty elimination without 50/50 or #metoo penance, sentiments, guilt or pity. There is something amazing here to witness on the big screen, and expectations for an imminent sequel are high.Vietnam nominated the film for the Oscar for the Best International Film.
回复 :Top Gear will return on Jan. 25th, 2015.
回复 :露西(Mylène Jampanoï 饰)童年时被一神秘组织绑架,在那一年的黑暗岁月里,她饱受折磨。最终她趁守卫不注意逃脱,在孤儿院结识了新的朋友安娜(Morjana Alaoui 饰)。然而露西心灵受到严重创伤,她经常能够看到一个全身赤裸、伤痕累累的恐怖女人对她进行恐吓与追杀。露西就在恐慌与悲痛中度过了童年。15年后,经过一番追查,露西和安娜查到了当年的行凶者之一。露西将对方一家杀害,却仍无法摆脱童年的梦魇,最终在歇斯底里中自杀身亡。悲伤的安娜很快被那个神秘组织抓到,她将如朋友一样,被迫成为传说中的殉道者……©豆瓣