啼笑Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world.
啼笑Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world.
回复 :莫大帅一家因罪孽深重,不能轮回投胎,只得一外孙女Jo Jo尚在人世。莫大帅得知Jo Jo将于数月内死亡,而这次死亡亦是莫家唯一机会,因为她可以找一个阳气极盛的男人同死,借此令莫家阳气增强,便可轮回再生。莫大帅选中了万球,施法令Jo Jo与万球一同过马路,制造意外;不料只得Jo Jo受害身亡,后来大帅令Jo Jo借尸还魂,引万上钓。他们终于成为情侣,Jo Jo把实情告知万球,但万球没有怪责Jo Jo,令她对球动了芳心……
回复 :A coming of age comedy about a 17-year-old in who asks his three best friends to help him get in his first fight ever before he moves to a new city.
回复 :When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil.