回复 :与男友吵架负气出走的罗雪来到深山民宿散心,却无意撞破一桩凶案,而凶案的制造者是一对看起来人畜无害的少男少女。担心消息走漏,这对诡秘男女将罗雪囚于阁楼中,随着罗雪的“男闺蜜”苏文的介入,事情变得越来越不可收拾,真相也逐渐露出水面……
回复 :2017-MF01969(2017.11.13)
回复 :This first film version of "The Children's Hour" uses a heterosexual triangle rather than the play's lesbian theme. The plot concerns schoolteachers Karen Wright and Martha Dobie, both of whom are in love with Dr. Joe Cardin. The malicious lie of one of their students involves all three in a scandal which disrupts all their lives.