回复 :曼城的一位警探 Sam Tyler 在办案中被车撞倒在地,从昏迷中醒来后发现自己的4×4车变成了30年前的款式,车内有把他调到曼城警署的文件。原来他回到了1973年,还是在同一栋楼里办公,成了另一个警探 Gene Hunt 的下属,Gene 是 DCI (Detective Chief Instpector),Sam 是 DI (Dectective Inspector),他们俩象是组长副组长的关系,手下还有几个警探,包括制服女警 Annie (WPC Woman Police Constable)。
回复 :封神重演,当神仙闯进都市隱姓埋名,展开一场全新的神话,看他如何叱吒风云
回复 :Whilst Clive Reader celebrates his taking silk but Martha hits the bottle, angry that inspector Wright has lied in court to convict her client Johnny Foster. Later David, the teen-aged son of chambers head Alan Cowdrey, is arrested for causing the death of a policeman , one of six who kettled him during a demonstration. Martha believes David has been bullied into pleading guilty by Wright and wants Alan involved in his son's case but David is not keen to see his father. Reader and Caroline Warwick agree to help Martha, who sees on CCTV that an anonymous man spoke to David in custody but there is no record of this meeting. In court she faces Wright, this time determined to beat him but evidence comes to light which weakens Martha's crusade.