每所學校都有自己的恐怖傳說,亚洲在這裡,亚洲若聽到了詭異聲音,千萬別回頭…。這所明星學校培育出無數菁英學生,卻有著極不合理的學長學弟制陋習,一年級新生被迫以「奴隸」身分生活,永遠只有被稱為「國王」學長姐霸凌的份。飽受欺凌的高一新生艾力克斯(安格尤納達 飾),只有跟同年的美琪(阿曼達蘿爾思 飾)相處時,才能稍獲喘息。然而,有天艾力克斯被學長姐強迫用筆仙召喚傳說中的鬼魂,卻引來神秘詛咒,學生們一個接一個離奇喪命,校園一夕之間成了駭人地獄…
每所學校都有自己的恐怖傳說,亚洲在這裡,亚洲若聽到了詭異聲音,千萬別回頭…。這所明星學校培育出無數菁英學生,卻有著極不合理的學長學弟制陋習,一年級新生被迫以「奴隸」身分生活,永遠只有被稱為「國王」學長姐霸凌的份。飽受欺凌的高一新生艾力克斯(安格尤納達 飾),只有跟同年的美琪(阿曼達蘿爾思 飾)相處時,才能稍獲喘息。然而,有天艾力克斯被學長姐強迫用筆仙召喚傳說中的鬼魂,卻引來神秘詛咒,學生們一個接一個離奇喪命,校園一夕之間成了駭人地獄…
回复 :Suzanne wasn't always this confused. She wasn't always dead either - When an ex-con takes a job as a handyman for an unstable elderly woman to avoid a parole violation, it becomes a choice he may regret.
回复 :顾蕾(陈文倩 饰)和彭苏(曹子辰 饰)是一对交往已久的恋人,彼此之间感情十分要好。某日,两人来到了蓝湖小区,在这里租下了一套房子,在此地建筑两人共同的爱巢。一次偶然中,彭苏结识了住在隔壁的周雅雅(石雨晴 饰),周雅雅开朗乐观又健谈,给彭苏带来了如同春风拂面一般清新的感觉,两人之间竟然有一种相见恨晚的感觉。随着时间的推移,彭苏和周雅雅之间的关系渐渐超越了友谊,变得暧昧起来,而向来敏锐的顾蕾亦捕捉到了这不寻常的变化。终于,彭苏和周雅雅的地下恋情曝光了,顾蕾陷入了绝望和愤怒之中。周雅雅同样不甘示弱,她竟然怂恿彭苏设计杀死顾蕾,以成全他们两人的感情。
回复 :In the Korean Classic Horror Movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha 1967, the tombstone of the kisaeng (Korean geisha) Wol-ha, who dies under a false accusation, is found! Set in the 1930s when Korea was under Japanese rule, a story was told about a girl, Wolhyang. She goes from a student to a kisaeng (Korean geisha) to a wife of a bourgeois man and is finally killed under a false accusation. This is a well-known story in Korea from the Korean classic horror movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha. The movie, Wol-ha 2017, starts with a setting, where the tombstone of Wol-ha is found by an international collector and the whole process of finding the tomb of Kisaeng Wolhyang is recorded by video. The footages are fully of the mysterious and the grotesque...!