回复 :共三集:1.隐匿的王道 2.生命中的化合 3.生命的火花The Cell In a three-part series, Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity. “I am normally not a lover of scientific docu’s but this one I found I had to watch all 3 parts back to back”.The Hidden KingdomThe first part explores how centuries of scientific and religious dogma were overturned by the earliest discoveries of the existence of cells, and how scientists came to realize that there was, literally, more to life than meets the eye.The Chemistry of LifeThis episode explores how scientists delved ever deeper into the world of the cell, seeking to reveal the magic ingredient that can spark a bundle of chemicals into life. Their discoveries have brought us to the brink of being able to create life for ourselves.The Spark of LifeThe final part reveals how our knowledge of cells has brought us to the brink of one of the most important moments in history. Scientists are close to repeating what has happened only once in four billion years - the creation of a new life form.
回复 :真人秀《女儿们的男朋友》4位父亲嘉宾将和4位MC在演播室共同观察、讨论嘉宾女儿们和男朋友的真实交往过程。这是第一次父亲全视角观察女儿与男朋友交往的尝试,一次代际恋爱观、择偶观等价值观的碰撞,一次多样态年轻爱情的真实记录。
回复 :奇利男谢洛(森久保祥太郎 配音)是大陆最强魔术士查尔德曼(中田让治 配音)的得意弟子,在获得了“钢之继承者”的名号之后,谢洛离开了牙之塔,化名欧菲踏上了寻找姐姐阿丽莎的旅途。虽然阿丽莎已经异形化,并且犯下了滔天的罪行,但欧菲依然相信自己能够找到让姐姐恢复原状的方法。 在旅途中,欧菲邂逅了开朗又活泼的大小姐克丽奥(大久保瑠美 配音),和非常崇拜欧菲,拜他为师的青年马吉克(小林裕介 配音),三人结伴而行,与此同时,欧菲的师父查尔德曼也集结了曾经的一群战友,决定正式启动讨伐阿丽莎的计划。