回复 :An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just days after being diagnosed with invasive stage II breast cancer changed the course of her career with a poignant stand-up set that became legendary overnight. This documentary explores Tig's extraordinary journey as her career ignites and as her life unfolds in grand and unexpected ways, all the while continuing to battle a life-threatening illness, falling in love and trying to have a baby all at the same time. This film is a hybrid of comedy and drama that captures a personal journey about facing crisis head on with honesty and grace and overcoming pain and suffering with the healing power of comedy. It's a story about moving forward during a period of your life when you don't know what is going to happen. When you are willing to risk it all for what you believe is the right thing to do and for what you want to happen in this life.
回复 :故事围绕一个孤独少年展开,因与当地反叛者坠入爱河,他的生活渐渐失控,他也在盛夏时光浸溺于药物的糜烂。本片是以利亚·拜纳姆的导演处女作,剧本由其亲自撰写,该剧本更曾登上2013年好莱坞剧本黑名单。影片也将于3月13日在西南偏南电影节首映。
回复 :莱拉(杰拉·哈斯 Jella Haase 饰)是一位19岁的少女,性格敏感而又内向的她在长辈们的眼里稍稍的有些叛逆。一天,当莱拉在医院里于昏迷中醒来时,发现自己被强暴了。着天降巨灾让莱拉的精神陷入了崩溃的境地。为了治疗自己心理上的创伤,莱拉主动申请进入了精神病院,在那里,她结识了52岁的安和35岁的弗兰雅。三个住在同一件病房里的女人们之间很快就建立起了友谊。安是一个拒绝固定关系的女人,而弗兰雅则艰难的独自抚养着年幼的小女儿。在精神病院里,莱拉见识到了各种人情冷暖世态炎凉,外界社会让莱拉感到失望,而在这里,她反而找到了归属感。