李林A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption spiral out of control as he loses himself in the role.
李林A demoted detective is given the opportunity to go undercover and take down the mob's most ruthless killer, but his life and only chance at redemption spiral out of control as he loses himself in the role.
回复 :一批特种部队士兵被送往一座活死人佔据的城市执行自杀任务,目标是救出一名掌握人类存亡关键的科学家。究竟他们能否顺利完成任务?人类的未来就看这一战!
回复 :一部没有坏人的电影,也是一张扬州的城市名片。农村寡妇赵小芸(马伊俐 饰)孩子哮喘病发,乡亲们凑了一万多块钱,连夜开着拖拉机带着他们到扬州看病。半路上,拖拉机坏掉,遇到好心的的哥张维扬(夏雨)把他们送到了医院。孩子脱离危险后,赵小芸发现钱不见了,认为是掉在了出租车上,通过电视台她联系到张维扬,后者多方寻找也没有找到那一万多块钱,为了不让赵小芸着急,他就偷偷用自己的钱垫上了。张维扬以为自己这个不留名的“雷锋”就当定了,谁知道,事情发生了意想不到的变化,他为了做好人所付出的代价远远还不止这些。
回复 :4个全副武装的职业杀手和2个不寻常的少年由于一笔偷来的50万现金开战了。