回复 :继前两季之后,BBC继续推出了小不列颠的第三季。主演还是两位活宝,但是客串的演员一直是走马观花,不停的有新人出现。第三季继承了前两季的幽默风格,增加了新的搞笑片断。不过个人以为LB是呈下滑趋势的,因为搞笑的段子重复的太多了,而且经常是一成不变。虽然幽默的风格保持一贯,但有些东西看的多了就不觉的搞笑了。希望BBC再以后会有新的突破。1.无厘头的恶搞剧中各种意想不到的恶搞手段深得无厘头幽默的精髓 各种夸张离奇的情节不断挑战我们的想象力 各片断之间互无联系充满跳跃性2.真实的英国生活场景本剧是真实英国生活的缩影 剧中各场景和人物都是来源于真实生活 经过夸张后展现在我们的面前 包括餐馆 医院 剧场 学校 社区中心等等场景均有涉及 可以作为了解英国生活的一个另类途径
回复 :Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.
回复 :从一只混杂的草原狗到一只以铁拳掌舵的黑猩猩,这三部分的迷你系列探索了自然界中最叛逆的动物。但这些生物真的坏了吗?在全世界范围内,新的研究揭示了一系列令人惊讶的各种非随从的动物行为,尽管表面上出现了这些动物行为,但研究人员正在发现这些动物为什么会如此行为的复杂而迷人的科学。事实上,成为反叛者可能是野外成功的关键。