回复 :Professor Bettany Hughes investigates the story of Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, theatre and excess, travelling to Georgia, Jordan, Greece and Britain to discover his origins and his presence in the modern world, and explore how 'losing oneself' plays a vital role in the development of civilisation.In this fascinating journey, Bettany begins in Georgia where she discovers evidence of the world's oldest wine production, and the role it may have played in building communities. In Athens she reveals Bacchus's pivotal role in a society where his ecstatic worship was embraced by all classes, and most importantly women. On Cyprus she uncovers startling parallels between Bacchus and Christ. Finally, Bettany follows the god's modern embrace in Nietzsche's philosophy, experimental theatre and the hedonistic hippie movement to conclude that, while this god of ecstasy is worthy of contemporary reconsideration, it is vital to heed the warning of the ancients - "MEDEN AGAN" - nothing in excess.
回复 :夏天的某个周末,金小蓓(张雅琳)、张建力、侯红携带北京的朋友赵尘(黄志忠)、马洋回到长江边的家乡游玩,仍呆在故乡小县城的如今做了警察的中学同学于栋(郭晓冬)高兴过后,同他们一道迎来想藏也藏不住的现实生活中的无趣和尴尬。金小蓓是于栋的初恋情人,她与现任男友赵尘因对未来不知所措关系很紧张;面对外表看来无大变化的金小蓓,联想起自己同老婆枯燥无奈生活的于栋打翻了心中的五味瓶。而一张写有“爱你到死”的纸条则触及了所有人内心的隐秘,各种猜忌和怀疑开始上演。
回复 :这是一部惊险的二战题材的影片,一名海军少尉被派到海军蛙人部队任职。他严格的态度赢得了士兵们的友谊,部下跟着他出生入死,即将执行一项危险的任务——攻击日军潜艇基地……