伦理伦理During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.
伦理伦理During the Cold War, a scientific team refits a Japanese submarine and hires an ex-Navy officer to find a secret Chinese atomic island base and prevent a Communist plot against America that could trigger WW3.
回复 :威尔第的著名歌剧《麦克白》再次准备公演,因为一次意外,主演的机会幸运的降临在了年轻的女歌手贝蒂的身上,虽然传说中只要上演《麦克白》就会带来噩运,但是面对成名的渴望,贝蒂最终还是站上了舞台,但是,谣言中的诅咒果然灵验了,噩运悄然来临,首演的巨大成功同时也带来了一宗又一宗的血腥命案,疯狂的杀手仿佛要和贝蒂展开一场残忍的游戏,凶手总是喜欢将贝蒂五花大绑,并安置了一个特殊的“眼部刑具”,迫使贝蒂亲眼目睹自己犯下的罪行,这彷佛能给凶手带来非比寻常的快感...
回复 :吉纳维芙和女友丽贝卡在一起四年,在一次开会的途中被人袭击失去了记忆。她的父母因不接受女儿同性恋的身份而阻挠她找回记忆,前男友又重新回到她的生活,女友丽贝卡无能为力。最后吉纳维芙会不会找回属于她和丽贝卡的记忆?两个人会不会重新在一起?
回复 :Shoe-shiner Gino is hired to take the rap for a mafia murder. Two-bit gangster Jerry watches over Gino and gives him a weekend to remember.