国产A poor, uneducated mountain girl leaves her cabin in search of respect, a wealthy husband, and a better life.
国产A poor, uneducated mountain girl leaves her cabin in search of respect, a wealthy husband, and a better life.
回复 :A main character of the incest movie "Gli sfiorati", in english is also known as Drifters, is Mète. He is 30 yeras old graphologist, enchanted by the secrets that can reveal the human hand. A week before father's wedding, his 17 years old stepsister moves to his Roman apartment. She is very hot and sexy teenager and the new neighborhood is now the beginning of their friendly ...
回复 :故事讲述重案组刑警“东根”(金正贤 饰)在被残忍杀害的尸体身上发现10年前自杀的制药公司高管“英勋”(朴成贤 饰)的日记,在揭露其背后真相过程中与自己被遗忘的过去相遇。
回复 :1937年夏天,乌珠穆沁草原天高云淡马壮羊肥,世世代代生活在这里的牧民和往年一样,期盼着今年的马匹和羊群能卖一个更好的价钱,好再建一个蒙古包,给女大当嫁的孩子结婚成家。年轻的牧民道尔基正是带着即将迎娶宝日玛姑娘的喜悦,和巴布一起去浩特卖马。在宝日玛的心里,巴布才是她暗暗喜欢的英雄,只是碍于巴布是额吉(蒙古语:母亲的意思)收养的儿子,父亲才将宝日玛许配给道尔基。天有不测风云。去往浩特卖马的路上,巴布一行五人遭遇马贼。危难关头,一个自称姓赵的商人拔枪解围,救巴布于险境。听说赵老板此行乌珠穆沁草原是来买马的,巴布感激于赵老板的救命之恩,答应将所有马匹卖给赵老板。不仅如此,巴布固执己见地接受赵老板的邀请,将四个同行的兄弟留下来给赵老板驯马。十来天时间过去了。道尔基隐约间感觉赵老板底细不明,提出告辞。临行前,道尔基还忠告巴布,一定要小心为是。道尔基走后的两...