北方A stand-up comedian and his three offbeat friends weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New York City in the '90s.
北方A stand-up comedian and his three offbeat friends weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New York City in the '90s.
回复 :Scotland's Hebrides are Europe's final frontier against the wild and unpredictable Atlantic Ocean. This landmark wildlife series, narrated by Ewan McGregor, introduces an unforgettable wild animal cast struggling to survive here on these Islands on the Edge.
回复 :「黙食女子」は、島崎演じる中西千佳、宇垣扮する滝田凛、紺野演じる須藤由紀といううどん好き女子が至福の1杯を求めて名店をめぐる“グルメンタリードラマ”。都内及び近郊に実在する6つの名店に加え、毎回スペシャルゲストが登場する。毎回放送後には、同店舗の別メニューを満喫するスピンオフも公開される。
回复 :The second series, Ben Harper, husband and father to three different and often difficult children has spent his working life as a dentist. Just as well as most of his life seems rather like pulling teeth. His wife Susan is usually busy showing foreign tourists around London, a place she knows much better than her own kitchen. Ben and Susan have been married happily enough to have three children. However, Ben has the feeling that most of the time his children seem to speak a different language. Nick (20) has persuaded his parents he would benefit from a gap year to see something of the world. To date, he has hardly seen anything beyond the confines of the sofa. Janey (17) is into boys, fashion labels (expensive ones) and getting her own way. Michael (14) is the brightest of the trio. He is seriously into computers, and, not so seriously (yet) into girls.