无声Life goes on after the tragic deaths of Hank and Dean. Meanwhile, the Monarch deals with life inside but you can't keep a good criminal mastermind down. But will King Gorilla prove to be his greatest ally, or his worst betrayer
无声Life goes on after the tragic deaths of Hank and Dean. Meanwhile, the Monarch deals with life inside but you can't keep a good criminal mastermind down. But will King Gorilla prove to be his greatest ally, or his worst betrayer
回复 :原创TV动画《群青のファンファーレ》制作发表,本作将于2022年春播出。
回复 :网飞于宣布,将重启知名儿童节目《天线宝宝》系列,将讲述色彩丰富的朋友(colorful friends),即Tinky Winky、Dipsy、Laa-Laa和Po,在21世纪全新版本中展开的神奇冒险。该重启系列将于11月14日上线。同时,该重启节目将由曾出演过《我本坚强》的美国黑人演员 泰塔斯·伯吉斯 (Tituss Burgess)将担任旁白主持人/画外音。
回复 :主人公是一个带着无可救药的傻气,充满天真浪漫的热情的人类小孩阿宝,他最喜欢的事情就是冒险,梦想成为伟大的英雄。作为阿宝的兄弟和最好的朋友,老皮是动画的另一个主人公,他是一只魔法狗,拥有神奇的变形伸缩能力,性格虽然完事不恭,做事却成熟老成。在哇塞大陆他们一起打怪冒险,一起生活一起成长。