80年代典型好莱坞冒险动作喜剧影片。女角Bess Armstrong从伦敦出发,皇帝要到中国找寻其父,雇用了Tom Selleck饰演的机师,途中自然惊险重重……
80年代典型好莱坞冒险动作喜剧影片。女角Bess Armstrong从伦敦出发,皇帝要到中国找寻其父,雇用了Tom Selleck饰演的机师,途中自然惊险重重……
回复 :格里罗饰演的司机在一场失败的银行抢劫案后驾车逃逸,意识到自己被出卖了,家人的生命也危在旦夕。在生死时速的逃命过程中,他要试图找出叛徒完成自我救赎,而唯一能相信的人是他14岁的女儿。
回复 :故事改编自以撒辛格的短篇小说,描述犹太人女子杨朵在二十世纪初的东欧为了追求梦想而女扮男装求学的故事。在20世纪初,家住东欧的犹太女孩燕特尔非常好学,但当地的风俗禁止女孩上学,于是她只好女扮男装。在学校,有一个男生跟她很要好,但他俩的关系涉及到性取向错乱的议题。
回复 :NOVA: Mysteries of Sleep Like virtually every other animal, humans need sleep to survive. But why? What do we gain from spending nearly a third of our lives in such a defenseless state? And what's at stake if we sleep poorly? The functions of sleep have long been something of a mystery. But now scientists are peering deep into the brain to see what happens while we snooze. One study reveals that well-timed bursts of pink noise can nudge a person's brain waves, extending periods of slow-wave, or deep, sleep. And toddlers learning new words show that taking even a short nap after learning something new can help the information stick. And when it comes to sleeping poorly, it may turn out that having interrupted sleep can be just as harmful as missing sleep altogether. As scientists come to understand the powerful role that sleep -- or lack of it -- plays in everything from memory to trauma to emotion regulation, one thing is clear: This biological function is as crucial as it is complex.