无码A social worker, still reeling from the loss of her architect husband, investigates the eccentric, psychedelic Wadsworth Family, consisting of a mother, two daughters, and an adult son with the apparent mental capacity of an infant.
无码A social worker, still reeling from the loss of her architect husband, investigates the eccentric, psychedelic Wadsworth Family, consisting of a mother, two daughters, and an adult son with the apparent mental capacity of an infant.
回复 :几个青春期的少年发现警察邻居是连环杀手,他们开始花时间监视这位邻居。但随着他们越来越接近发现真相,事情变得危险。
回复 :A young man is released from an asylum and returns home for revenge on his aunt and her three daughters, who had him declared insane in order to steal his inheritance.一名年轻人从精神病院被释放,回到家中,报复他的姨妈和她的三个女儿,因为她们为了夺走他的遗产而宣布他疯了。
回复 :制药公司小职员医学博士出身的宰赫(金明民 饰)早些年被弟弟宰弼(金烔完 饰)劝诱炒股,结果赔得精光,如今委身于一家毫无前景的制药公司做推销员,在外低声下气,看客户脸色行事,心中的郁结只有向家中妻儿宣泄。与此同时,汉江流域附近接连发现数十具尸体,死者全身皆如干尸,死状恐怖。这一事件波及甚广,连宰赫身边的人也无法幸免。经调查发现,死者体内无一例外寄居着本应存在于昆虫身上的铁线虫,铁线虫会刺激宿主食欲大增以吸收养分,等到繁殖期时令宿主神志不清,投水自杀,再进入水中大量繁殖。面对这一新型变种,人类束手无策,无计可施,死亡人数呈几何数增加,韩国上下乱作一团,有如末日。原本为生计奔忙已焦头烂额的宰赫,该如何保护家人幸免于难……