回复 :根据上海越剧院演出本改编。明代吏部尚书李廷甫之女李秀英,聪明贤惠,容貌秀丽,父母爱若珍宝。秀英年已及笄,尚待字闺中。李廷甫50寿诞之日,好友王裕夫妇偕子玉林前来祝寿。李廷甫见玉林品貌端庄,仪表不俗,有意试试他的才华,就叫他题写寿联一副。玉林即席挥毫,顺手而成。李廷甫大喜,就以秀英许配为妻。李秀英的表兄顾文友,原有娶秀英之心,今见她被许配王玉林,心中恼恨,遂与孙媒婆密谋定下奸计。
回复 :“Why are they even together?” would be the first thought that comes to mind, as Chu Sang Woo and Jang Jae Young are so different in every conceivable way. One is a robot-like engineering student who wears dark clothes for convenience and follows a strict timetable. The other is a free-spirit design major, with colorful outfits and a skateboard. When Jae Young freerides on a team assignment with Sang Woo, Sang Woo crosses off Jae Young’s name from the project, and the two become enemies. The film is a re-edit of an eight part TV series that topped the WATCHA Chart, based on the web novel Semantic Error by Jeo Soo-ri. It would be challenging to exceed expectations as the novel has a huge fanbase, however, two formal idol actors, Park Seo Ham and Park Jae Chan, hit the jackpot. Director Kim Soo Jung delicately emphasizes the comic and fresh romance of the young men, who have unique charms and perfect looks, as they do in the novel.
回复 :1943年,革命性发明家尼古拉·特斯拉在纽约客饭店死于身无分文美国政府在24小时内没收了他房间里的所有东西。但是遗失了一样发明设计。七十年后,在纽约州布法罗市,一位才华横溢的年轻工程师找到了它。她唯一可以信任的人是有每天收拾行李习惯的低价侦探。