蓬下A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to acknowledge their love. Through the ...
蓬下A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to acknowledge their love. Through the ...
回复 :A man's attempts to construct the ultimate romantic weekend backfire when his quest for perfection traps his lover in an infinite loop.
回复 :凭借妥善处理巴提斯塔团队事件,田口公子医生(竹内结子 饰)被任命为东城大学附属医院伦理委员会委员长,位在沼田副教授(高岛政伸 饰)之上。某天,田口接到一封告密信,称急救中心主任速水晃一(堺雅人 饰)及护士长花房与文艺医疗用品供应公司存在不法勾当。与此同时,因伤住院的厚生劳动省调查员白鸟圭辅(阿部宽 饰)也接到类似信件。他和田口暗中展开调查,发现速水虽然医术高明,却任性固执,在医院上下早就树敌无数,因此对告密者的排查变得无比困难。与此同时,文艺公司销售员矶部突然坠楼身亡。真相扑朔迷离……本片根据海堂尊的原作改编。
回复 :本片改编自真实事件,利用多线叙事的穿插,将三个时空的故事人物命运交织在一起。描述了波黑战争时期军人马尔克“意外”死亡的十二年后,伤痛依旧延绵不断地影响着每一位曾参与其中的加害者与被害者。