回复 :蝶妖事件之后,江湖依旧紧绷。扶桑时局纷乱,圣上忧心野心份子勾结大宋权贵,联手颠覆两国,遂派遣包拯继续查清案情。罔烟门突遭冰魔袭击,凌天川及众弟子接连遇害,江湖再次掀起血雨腥风。包拯认为此案与蝶妖事件如出一辙,却更复杂离奇。为复杀父之仇,凌潇只得继续依靠包拯之力求得真相。凌天川的死讯让另外两大势力玄火宗和迷影盟颇为震动,也开始各自盘算如何争夺盟主宝座。
回复 :Hauntingly BeautifulThis film is stunning in its beauty. The music is transcendent. For the longest time I tried to get the soundtrack. To save you the trouble, be aware that they never made one! There is one scene in which a woman blows on a shell that was so powerful I still remember 30 years later. Mesmerizing. If you have not seen it yet, rent it today.
回复 :Larry Gordon, well-known crime writer, is on a train journey when a scream is heard. Upon investigation, the guard had been mugged and a man murdered. Another man is arrested but the full story is yet to be discovered.