回复 :The Practice focused on the meijubar.net law firm of Robert Donnell and Associates (later becoming Donnell, Young, Dole, & Frutt, and ultimately Young, Frutt, & Berluti). Plots typically featured the firm's involvement in various high-profile criminal and civil cases that often mirrored current events at the time of the episodes' initial broadcast. Conflict between legal ethics and personal morality was a recurring theme.
回复 :以吉川英梨的小说为蓝本的本作品中,室茂饰演的是埼玉县警搜查一课的警部补·奈良健市。一个暴雨的日子,在盛开着向日葵的田间小路上,小学5年级的少女石冈葵只留下一把伞就消失了。奈良急忙赶到现场,看到了葵父亲征则的身影。正在和妻子进行离婚调解的征则和葵他们分居,接到消息后立刻赶了过来。葵的失踪是被绑架、意外,还是因为父母不和而离家出走?在搜查困难的同时,奈良也因为妹妹真由子的事情而苦恼。真由子自从被暴徒袭击后便紧闭心扉,而奈良则以那次事件为契机立志当刑警。奈良怀着没能保护好妹妹的后悔,无论如何也要找到葵,一家人一直祈祷女儿平安无事。在错综复杂的情报中,奈良以执念的搜查迫近真相。
回复 :第11季共4集1、Mrs McGinty's Dead 清洁女工之死2、Cat Among the Pigeons 校园疑云(鸽群中的猫)3、Third Girl 公寓女郎(第三个女郎)4、Appointment with Death 死亡约会