回复 :More than half of us now live in cities. Crowded, chaotic and bursting with life - these are places under pressure. In this brand new series, Dan Snow, Anita Rani and Ade Adepitan go behind the scenes to reveal the hidden systems and armies of people running some of the greatest cities on earth. Find out how Mexico City keeps its inhabitants safe from earthquakes, and meet local people who offer an inside look at life in metropolises like Delhi and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Moscow's incredible architecture shows that the world's busiest cities also have some of the richest histories.
回复 :中国首档女团青春成长节目——腾讯视频《创造101》,4.21日起每周六晚八点,腾讯视频全网独播。创造101发起人:黄子韬歌唱导师:ella、张杰唱作导师:胡彦斌舞蹈导师:罗志祥、王一博
回复 :该角色扮演推理游戏真人秀融合“角色扮演+推理游戏”两大趣味,六位明星玩家将选择案件中五个嫌疑人与一个侦探进行角色扮演和推理。第六季还开创了全新的双侦探模式,一位素人玩家也将作为侦探参与探案。玩家们通过不在场证明、现场搜证、集中讨论等环节摆脱自己的嫌疑,最后找出“真凶”。