回复 :Marco Mejia, a gender non-conforming high school graduate who lands the gig of a lifetime interning at a cosmetics company whose products he panned on YouTube. Madolyn Addison, CEO, entrepreneur and founder of Glamorous Cosmetics and former supermodel, built one of the top companies in the world from the ground up. However, something's happening of late. The company isn't just slipping, it's plummeting, like it's being sabotaged from the inside. Not about to let that happen, Madolyn hires Marco right out of high school to be her summer intern. She has a plan, she wants him to be her eyes and ears, to make friends and find out what's going on behind her back, to discover "what they're hiding and what they're stealing." In exchange, she'll teach Marco everything she knows, but she warns him "This business isn't all glitter and glamour and neither is life".
回复 :善良单纯的花丽珠(佘诗曼 饰)只有十岁小孩的智商,自父母离世后,她就肩负照顾弟妹的重任,除了赚钱,她事事亲力亲为,保护弟妹更是刻不容缓,经常闹出不少趣事;而花家真正的话事人二家姐花丽萍(梁靖琪 饰)碍于丽珠是智障,弟弟花伟聪(林子善 饰)又不务正业,为求早日摆脱家庭担子,在工作上往往不择手段,甚至协助旧爱上司陆浩昌(敖嘉年 饰)出卖公司利益。一天,公司集团主席蒋森(胡枫饰)突然中风昏迷,一向玩世不恭的孙儿蒋奕(林峰 饰)被辞退所有职务,最后更沦落街头,幸得丽珠的照顾,二人日夕相对产生了微妙的感情,但当爷爷苏醒后坚决反对他们非一般的关系,迫使蒋奕放弃花家姐,重回现实世界,接受一般人所谓的正常生活和正常关系……
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