回复 :杨光担任电台某情感倾诉类栏目主持人已十五年有余,程式化的工作模式及儿时心理阴影导致其无论在工作还是生活中,都拒绝与人真诚沟通。直到一档火爆的新兴节目替代杨光栏目黄金档的位置。迫于重重压力的杨光决定将栏目改版,从线上倾听转为线下调解,并瞄准能引起强烈社会热度的纠纷事件进行调解。栏目因此受到关注,也使杨光第一次直面自身问题。经过调解的诸多案例,杨光认识到调解的社会意义,并发掘人世间更多的真善美,尝试从多方面沟通,不轻言放弃。女律师廖望希望打几场颇具难度的官司获得行业认可,却因杨光的成功调解而错失机会。两人因此产生敌意并在几次案例中形成交锋,同时双方在此期间也产生了奇妙的感情。通过对纠纷事件的调解,杨光不仅帮助了纠纷双方,也解决了自身在沟通方面的问题,并与廖望的关系也从互相敌视变成双方爱慕。
回复 :Sarah Phelps’ gripping drama tells the story of World War One’s front line medics – their hopes, fears, triumphs and tragedies. The tented field hospital in which they work is a frontier; between the battlefield and home front, but also between the old rules, hierarchies and a new way of thinking.Oona Chaplin (The Hour, Quantum Of Solace), Hermione Norris (Spooks, Cold Feet), Suranne Jones (Scott And Bailey, The Secret Of Crickley Hall), Kevin Doyle (Downton Abbey, Scott And Bailey), Kerry Fox (Shallow Grave, An Angel At My Table) and Marianne Oldham (WPC 56) star as the dedicated team of doctors, nurses and women volunteers working together to help the sick and injured.Together they embody an attitude of endurance, supreme courage and hope. Above any enmities or rivalries, they will all come to share a common bond as they experience the horror, the danger, the adrenalin, the joys and, most of all, the death-defying intoxication of simply being alive in the face of mortal danger.
回复 :三年前,刘敏宇(宋承宪 饰)意外失去了自己挚爱的未婚妻,他抱着悲痛的心选择了出国留学;而那时的沈慧媛(孙艺珍 饰)是个患有先天性心脏病的安静女孩,看着别人健康的跳跃着,自己只能坐在角落。三年后,先前接受了心脏移植手术的慧媛变得活泼开朗,也有了心爱的男友。在机场,慧媛与从国外回来的敏宇擦肩而过,感受到了心脏的快速跳动。回国后的敏宇去往了当年曾和未婚妻一起爬过的山,在那与迷路的慧媛相遇。二人被困在山上,有了交流。慧媛再次感受到心脏的快速跳动,而敏宇在慧媛身上看到了逝去的未婚妻的影子。为了感谢给自己捐赠心脏的一家人,慧媛寻着线索奔波,而在目的地她遇到了探望未婚妻家人的敏宇,原来二人被这样联系着……