剧情大概:频出一个执行太空任务从宇宙归来的太空舱里的船员被天外异形下了药变成了可怕的怪物,频出这种异形能寄生到人体使其发生肢体变异。同时期一组洞穴探险员来到城市郊外溶洞探险,没想到此地已经被异形占领,他们只能靠本能来逃脱异形所设下的种种陷阱……(说起山寨,意大利人才应该算是鼻祖吧,就如同这部电影标题一般…不要对这部电影有任何企图,他只会让你变成扑克脸- -)血腥度:4片中怪物数量:?怪物类型:外星生物怪物特点:寄生怪物必杀技:变形怪物恶心度:3
剧情大概:频出一个执行太空任务从宇宙归来的太空舱里的船员被天外异形下了药变成了可怕的怪物,频出这种异形能寄生到人体使其发生肢体变异。同时期一组洞穴探险员来到城市郊外溶洞探险,没想到此地已经被异形占领,他们只能靠本能来逃脱异形所设下的种种陷阱……(说起山寨,意大利人才应该算是鼻祖吧,就如同这部电影标题一般…不要对这部电影有任何企图,他只会让你变成扑克脸- -)血腥度:4片中怪物数量:?怪物类型:外星生物怪物特点:寄生怪物必杀技:变形怪物恶心度:3
回复 :Can Kim Kanonarm beat the world record and play arcade games for 100 hours non-stop? A Danish feelgood film about friendships, dreams and high scores.
回复 :沙展刘检获一辑淫照交予上司姜警司后不久,即遭冷面杀手大虎所杀,多年拍档阿Pitt誓要替老友复仇,追赶原凶,于是逐一线索查探,张于发现面档肥老鹅是唯一的目击证人,邀得他的帮助,于是顺利将大虎拘捕,可惜他随即被金律师担保外出。大虎为向肥鹅报复,派人向其家掷燃烧弹;使他变得无家可归。于是Pitt邀他回家暂住。Pitt姐Angel乃新闻记者,为套取第一手资料,经常向肥鹅索料,闹出不少笑料,二人更设下“非礼计划”,借故在公众地方将大虎痛殴一顿,以泄心头愤。 大虎其后设陷阱引肥鹅与 Pitt,欲将之干掉,幸得小美相助才得以脱险。小美原来是黑市居民,被诱骗来港,又被金律师迫为娼妓。在小美帮助下, Pitt与肥鹅取得架步内的一辑淫照,并发现姜警司原来有份参与,于是向姜警司大兴问罪。谁知姜警司已将Angel、小美等捉去作人质,迫他们二人交出淫照。当然最后是邪不能胜正的。
回复 :Four characters with dreams passions and desires but with the fear of becoming adults in today's Mexico City. MARTIN is a young man in love with a girl he barely knows, named Cris, who has shut him out of her social networks. He wants to scream his love out to the world even if the world is trying to quiet him down. DANIEL is a musician turned into a taxi driver after he impregnated his teenage girlfriend. The day he decides to become a responsible grown up will be one of the unluckiest days of his life. DULCE is an aggressive bully in high school, but deep inside she sees herself as a nice girl who deserves to be loved and she's ready to loose her virginity with the first guy who is willing to take it. PEDRO is a boy with a disappointed view of the world of the adults, who has decided to stop speaking as a normal person and starts his own language. All of them have this irritant obstacle in common: The adults.