悍匪龙志强,剧情在香港回归前,剧情趁香港英政府不作为,而屡犯巨案,先后绑架富豪利家及雷家之长子,勒索超过二十亿元,事主怕被报复, 交赎款后都不敢报警。中国公安部极为关注,与香港警方合力,派香港警员何天卧底潜入龙志强犯罪团伙,发现他正策划绑架澳门富豪贺不凡,最终陆港警察合力勇擒龙志强,救出贺不凡。
悍匪龙志强,剧情在香港回归前,剧情趁香港英政府不作为,而屡犯巨案,先后绑架富豪利家及雷家之长子,勒索超过二十亿元,事主怕被报复, 交赎款后都不敢报警。中国公安部极为关注,与香港警方合力,派香港警员何天卧底潜入龙志强犯罪团伙,发现他正策划绑架澳门富豪贺不凡,最终陆港警察合力勇擒龙志强,救出贺不凡。
回复 :《狐踪谍影》改编自王建幸的热门同名小说,原著曾荣获“金盾文学奖”。讲述的是中国驻海外某国一公司董事长的女儿被绑架,被索要巨额赎金。该公司安保队长、退伍军人肖剑,为弥补自己的失职过错,维护国人尊严,协助该国警官莫泰历经艰险,消灭了恐怖分子,救出了同胞的感人故事。
回复 :Thor's villainous uncle Loki has escaped Asgard to search for Yggdrasil - The Tree of the Nine Realms. The tree holds the power of the Universe and is hidden away on Earth. With the help of giant wolf god Fenrir, Loki plans to destroy the tree and replant it in his image, giving him dominion over all. Now Thor must follow Loki to Earth to wage an epic battle that will hold the two worlds in its balance.
回复 :Ênio, nearly 15, stopped believing in ghosts a long time ago. He’s having to deal with a lot at home, his mother who believes in them, and his brute father who at home is almost a ghost. Over the course of one fateful night Ênio goes on an adventure.