惠纱和视A poor, uneducated mountain girl leaves her cabin in search of respect, a wealthy husband, and a better life.
惠纱和视A poor, uneducated mountain girl leaves her cabin in search of respect, a wealthy husband, and a better life.
回复 :Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their...
回复 :本片根据SM文学名匠团鬼六的同名小说改编 ... 这份报纸的大广告客户,惹恼教主吉冈意味着报社将陷入财政危机。吉冈要求冈本拿妻子来谢罪。为了替丈夫解忧,静代自愿入教当一个星期的巫女。看着不断自责的冈本,久美子心里也不好受。原来,她过去曾是吉冈的性奴隶,为了复仇才接近冈本利用击垮崇德教。但久美子渐渐地爱上了冈本。她决心救出静代,只身来到了吉冈的家。谁料,久美子完全落入了吉冈的圈套。她和静代一同堕入了无尽的官能地狱……
回复 :影片讲述的阿珍因患有产后抑郁症而终日沉迷软性毒品,由原来的保守贤淑变的放荡不羁,更勾引好友的老公积奇的故事。积奇的老婆没有经济能力,只好哑忍自己老公跟好友欢好,后来更发展至三人同眠,实行门一家亲。