回复 :Set during the Blitz in 1940s London. After writing twelve Poirot novels in six years, Agatha Christie should be a rich woman. Instead she’s struggling to make ends meet. As the money runs out, Agatha concocts a plan to kill off her most famous creation and sell the manuscript to a superfan. When Agatha’s would-be-buyer suffers a heart attack, it seems unfortunate but benign. When her manuscript is stolen, a wider conspiracy begins to take shape. As the bombs fall and she investigates, the danger of her situation becomes apparent; Agatha herself is the killer’s next target.
回复 :初出茅庐的鲁迪·贝勒(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon饰)是刚踏进律师界的新手。一腔热血的鲁迪接手的第一个案子是一宗涉及医疗保险赔偿的诉讼。无助的母亲,生命垂危的儿子,拒绝支付医疗费的保险公司,不择手段的辩护律师,一切都跟当初设想的大相径庭。面对种种举步维艰的行业阴暗面和陷于困境的弱势群体,鲁迪至始至终都没有放弃他的正义之心。影片的另一条主线还有一位遭受家庭暴力的受虐少妇。影片用写实的手法,向我们描绘了一场捍卫正义的道德之战。本片根据约翰·格里沙姆的同名小说改编。
回复 :影片讲述刚归来的吴魏,刘骁等人深感责任重大,带领临时成立的特别行动小组,潜入百名暴徒聚集点展开一场悬殊之战的故事。