回复 :富三代公子宁博在爱情事业即将双丰收之际,突遭厄运:耗尽巨资和时间研发的游戏软件被黑客意外盗取;和女友元元原本甜蜜的爱情也在此时面临破裂。元元的闺蜜郭小美更是乘虚而入。满怀嫉妒之心的闺蜜,遭受严重打击的富三代公子,神秘的短信,突如其来的车祸,一见钟情的网吧老板,美丽善良的女友.....那么“菜”到底是被谁偷走了呢?
回复 :From the stage of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, hosts David Tennant and Catherine Tate are joined by Benedict Cumberbatch, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Dame Helen Mirren, Meera Syal, David Suchet, Rufus Wainwright, Tim Minchin, Gregory Porter, Joseph Fiennes, English National Opera, The Royal Ballet and Akala for a very special evening.Together they mark the life and work of William Shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of the playwright's death. This unique event takes place in the presence of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall and celebrates Shakespeare's extraordinary legacy and his enduring influence on all performance art forms - from opera to jazz, dance to musicals.
回复 :藝名「空谷蘭」的歌女金玉蘭色藝俱佳, 捧場者眾. 蘭遭警察局局長糾纏, 內務總長之子魏孟元挺身相救, 二人漸生情愫, 結為夫婦. 婚後, 蘭誕下一子, 卻因出身寒微, 飽受魏家上下歧視. 蘭母病逝, 蘭回娘家辦理後事, 重遇以前的未婚夫李炳生, 卻被魏家傭人誣衊不貞, 慘被趕出家門. 蘭於湖邊遺下鞋子, 眾人以為她已投湖自盡. 元父乘機逼元娶表妹錢自芬, 讓元婚後去當官, 攜妻出差. 芬刁蠻任性, 與元不睦. 婢女阿香發現蘭未死, 暗助她晚上到魏家照顧兒子小元. 元、芬返家, 芬不堪元冷待, 企圖毒殺蘭子, 蘭及時現身阻止, 芬事敗大驚駕馬車逃走, 車翻人亡, 元、蘭破鏡重圓.