回复 :An intense drama about two young women desperate to escape their repressive small town, whose friendship is challenged after a night of debauchery threatens to undo their grand plans for freedom.
回复 :In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and his hideously deformed son aren't farming animals... Caged ...
回复 :大约公元130年,强盛繁华的罗马帝国正处在哈德良(市村正亲 饰)统治的时代,时下罗马人民沐浴之风盛行,公共浴池更是受到广大民众的欢迎。随着奢华之风抬头,浴场设计师路西斯·慕德斯特(阿部宽 饰)那古朴简约的设计风格渐渐受到冷遇。某天,他意外通过公共浴场穿越到21世纪的日本 ,这群被路西斯称为“扁脸族”的人,其先进创新汤文化令路西斯大为羞愧和赞叹。在此之后,他多次穿越时空,将日本浴室中的创新理念带到古罗马,他由此咸鱼翻身,大受欢迎,甚至得到哈德良的赏识和重用。在此过程中,哈德良王朝落下帷幕,看似华而不实的凯奥尼乌斯(北村一辉 饰)成为新的皇帝。路西斯拒绝为凯奥尼乌斯设计浴室,他的命运来到了新的十字路口……本片根据漫画家山崎麻里的同名原著改编。