崩坏Two pretty girls come of age and a painter has an unusual commission. In a repressive climate sexual exploration repression and liberation are and represented.
崩坏Two pretty girls come of age and a painter has an unusual commission. In a repressive climate sexual exploration repression and liberation are and represented.
回复 :經營經典唱片行多年的老闆李奧納多,唱片生意因為大環境改變而沒落,不得不歇業並找份工作來維持生計。但苦尋不到合適工作之下,他只好暫時在叫車服務程式當司機。由於白天顧孩子晚上工作,他與太太棠恩的關係因為相處時間變少而開始出現問題,加上夜晚載客出現的各種誘惑,李奧納多該如何安穩度過這段中年危機?
回复 :讲述一位校园女神接受挑战,誓将本校最不起眼的废柴改造成为舞会之王的故事。
回复 :最倒霉的特工贝肯熊,为了重获认可,偷偷混入火星任务,不料却闯进了火星里的神秘世界,和要抓捕的火星怪物成为了朋友。在特工荣誉和友情之间,他将面临一场前所未有的考验。