回复 :CUCK is a gripping fly-on-the wall character study and psychosexual thriller tracking an isolated and lonely young man as he is indoctrinated into the online echo chambers of Alt-Right ideology and hate. Touching on several topical nerves, CUCK gives a raw, unforgiving glimpse into a dark world that hides in plain sight.
回复 :性格内向朋友极少的高中生莫予甜遇见了两个外星人炎恩俊和穆赫,他们是势不两立的亲兄弟为了争夺勿入莫予甜身体的能量石成为了她班级里的转校生,在保护莫予甜的过程中,他们渐渐喜欢上了善良的莫予甜,在与炎恩俊和穆赫的相处中莫予甜慢慢的融入班级,变得乐观自信起来。这时炎恩俊莫名其妙的成为雷欣儿的未婚夫,接着莫予甜和雷欣儿一起被绑架,充满青春味道的校园被人类的阴谋笼罩着。
回复 :The story of a long-lost book that mysteriously reappears and connects an old man searching for his son with a girl seeking a cure for her mother's loneliness.