回复 :20 多岁的奥伊在曼谷老城区开了一家炒面馆。有一天,她收到了一份邀请 — 离开家里的炒面馆并加入“饥饿”团队。这是泰国排名第一的豪华主厨团队,由有才但没品的主厨保罗领导。
回复 :The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Richie wants to join in, but they don't want him around. When a plot to kill the Rich family is devised by Rich Industries' top executive, Laurence Van Dough, Richie must take over control of the company while searching for his lost parents with the help of some new friends.
回复 :游手好闲的花店二代,面对暴力手段闯江湖涩会人,励精图治当上警察。没想到涩会人已黄金铺路当上政府高官,并可以指挥警察为自己扫清竞争对手。花店二代警官不忘初心顶住压力终于为百姓扫除政府恶霸。