回复 :Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V's as saviors in ABC's "V" (2011) TV show, an FBI Counter Terrorist Agent, and others making up the resistance group called The Fifth Column, quickly discovered that the Visitors are not who they said they were. Will humanity stop being fooled and realize the Visitors true intentions before it becomes too late and they take over Earth in "V" Season 2?
回复 :《乌啦啦夫妇》为2012年韩国KBS电视台月火电视剧,导演李正燮,编剧崔顺植。电视剧由申贤俊、金延恩、韩在石、韩彩雅等人主演,讲述了离婚协议书上盖了章的夫妻在法院突然灵魂交换后发生的一系列搞笑动人的故事。
回复 :故事开始于清朝光绪末年,禁军统领荣仁杰(刘松仁 饰)揭露了亲王博格多为了制作能令人长生不老的药来讨好慈禧而残害儿童的罪行,这一举动很快就令他惹祸上身遭到迫害,最终家破人亡妻离子散,他自己也落得了一个给慈禧陪葬的悲惨下场。一晃眼二十年过去,华光和余慕华在误打误撞之中打开了慈禧墓,发现了荣仁杰,令两人感到震惊的是,荣仁杰不仅没有死,而且还拥有着不会变老的面容,长生不老药竟然生效了。就这样,荣仁杰重新回到了面目全非的人间。一次偶然中,荣仁杰在街上看到了和自己妻子样貌一模一样的女子若冰,他认定她就是妻子的转世。