回复 :天使首领被邀请参与调查一宗有关泰国临国到访的亲善大使被暗杀事件,于是召集天使组织成员方中信、陈成贵及李赛凤,方与陈往见美国CIA亚洲区负责人,后查悉恐怖组织已组成神勇匕首队,并准备重金礼聘美、日两国女杀手为匕首队队长以训练队员。于是李赛凤便受命截杀上任之日本女杀手而混入组织作为内应,与方中信及陈成贵来一个里应外合,将恐怖组织一网打尽……
回复 :《IU演唱会:The Golden Hour》是为纪念艺人IU出道15周年而在剧场上映的演出实况电影,以令人眼花缭乱的美丽歌曲和梦幻般的舞台表演将充满奥林匹克主竞技场的Golden Hour搬上了银幕。《IU演唱会:The Golden Hour》是2022年9月17日、18日两天举行的歌手IU的演唱会《The Golden Hour:橙色太阳下》制作成剧场版本的电影。
回复 :At first glance, it seems like an ordinary sports movie based on Kendo. Jaewoo, who joins the national team selection process, is treated as a soon-to-be eliminated player from the first day. However, IRON MASK does not simply follow the typical sports movie formula. It sets the tension high early on, by showcasing an intense confrontation between Jaewoo and the unbeatable top-ranked player, Taesu. From there, it gradually reveals why Jaewoo is there, peeling away the layers of his story like an onion. Thus, the film expands beyond being just a sports movie and veers into sharp psychological drama. The sharpness of Jaewoo’s emotions is vividly reflected in his Kendo, while also representing the challenges he must unravel in his life. The ending is quite thought-provoking. The captivating cinematography exudes the excitement of Kendo matches in an electrifying way, making IRON MASK worthy of note. (Rhana JANG)源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6557&sc_category_seq=6022&sc_num=1&actEvent=view