久久Series showing how new camera technology is revealing the inner workings of the Earth's most spectacular natural wonders.
久久Series showing how new camera technology is revealing the inner workings of the Earth's most spectacular natural wonders.
回复 :Rosemary's Baby is the modern-day adaptation of the 1967 best-selling suspense novel by Ira Levin. The story centers on a young married couple (Saldana and Adams) who move into a Paris apartment that has a haunted past. After getting pregnant, the wife becomes increasingly suspicious that both her husband and their neighbors will have ulterior motives when her child is born.
回复 :年轻有为的民意代表杨启逍(庄凯勋 饰),接手父亲旅馆生意,游走黑白两道。徐梓薇(张榕容 饰),前特勤小组成员,因公受伤破格升职。一起移工脱逃案意外牵扯上分尸案,徐梓薇与菜鸟警察陈家豪(刘冠廷 饰)私下调查,怀疑与毒蛇集团有关。然而上司斥责徐梓薇越权查案,将她调职去担任杨启逍的随扈。没想到两人的命运早在3年前的一桩挟持案就陷入纠缠…宛如罗生门般的破案过程,让所有人不知不觉一步步地走入了某人精心策划的「布局」之中。
回复 :年过半百的家庭主妇水泽麻子(黑木瞳 饰)心中隐藏无数的委屈,结婚二十多年一直在婆婆的威严下如履薄冰,丈夫博行(石田纯一 饰)又与单位下属发展成情人关系。婆婆去世后,麻子多年媳妇熬成婆,可刚刚过了两年舒心的日子,谁曾想自己也马上晋升为婆婆的位置。身为派遣职员的24岁儿子优太(郭智博 饰)迎娶爽朗阳光的女孩李里香(相武纱季 饰),然而在她看来李里香似乎过于机灵世故,其开朗的笑声后仿佛总隐藏着什么秘密。与此同时,社区内一名公务员意外失踪,引起警方高度关注。为了守护家庭,麻子开始有意调查儿媳妇的过去,终于发现了令她震惊的事实。当然,她的这番调查也无意中燃起婆媳间休止已久的战火……