国产Spanish-Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II hits the road to trace the footsteps of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and sheds new light on the revolutionary.
国产Spanish-Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II hits the road to trace the footsteps of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and sheds new light on the revolutionary.
回复 :从警十七年之久的王伟业(吴彦祖 饰),因为童年和家庭的原因,内心极度不安的他同时秉持着绝对的正义感,以致于其待人接物过程中矫枉过正,与同事交流多有不畅。在驻守急诊室的某个夜晚,伟业为某个急需稀有血型的重伤患者输血,谁知对方是作恶多端的银行抢劫团伙鬼王党的头目韩江(张家辉 饰)。伟业因此受到同事的谴责,而不久后韩江还偷偷溜走,旋即率领同伙犯下滔天大案,伟业的同事更在交火中火焚而亡。人在做,天在看,彪悍跋扈的韩江也从没想过自己会被欲望无情吞噬。另一方面,伟业的精神状况愈加令人堪忧,他拒绝接受心理辅导,宛如鬼魅一般执着地追踪韩江的同伙。他见证着背叛与杀戮,也坐视内心强大信念的轰然垮塌……
回复 :河水中散发的恶臭,让一起连续剖杀孕妇案进入了公众视野……接连两名警探的妻子死于这个变态凶徒之手,而两名警探一死一失踪。与两名出事警探同一组的谢夫(钱小豪 饰)、国华(何华超 饰)以及杜哥(刘永 饰)高度紧张此事。不久,谢夫在公路设置路障捉获嫌疑人陈杰(麦浚龙 饰)。原来,陈杰本是一名卖包子青年,他暗恋弱智少女阿颖(苍井空 饰)已久,在阿颖婆婆过世后,陈杰将阿颖从看护院带出游玩,当夜两人寄住于一妓女家中。岂料警察杜哥来访,误会阿颖也是妓女,欲与之发生关系,匆匆赶回的陈杰将杜哥打伤,携阿颖报警,返回警局的杜哥令四位同事配合,强奸了阿颖并诬陷陈杰入狱……出狱后的陈杰,迅速展开了自己的复仇计划。
回复 :通过伊利诺伊州一户有机农场主的视角,展现了一批历经大工业化农业运作模式的农场主对于更加环保更加健康的农作方式的探索和坚持。America is facing a food crisis driven by profitability and a lack of consumer education. While the window to transforming our heartland continues to shrink, passionate individuals have emerged who provide hope that the health of our nation might still remain within our grasp. Sustainable weaves together expert analysis of America's food and farming system with a powerful narrative of one extraordinary farmer who is determined to create a sustainable future for his community. Amidst the cornfields of Illinois lives the hero of the film - Marty Travis, a seventh-generation farmer who watched his land and community fall victim to the pressures of big agribusiness. Determined to create a proud legacy for his son, Marty transforms his profitless wasteland and pioneers the sustainable food movement in Chicago. The film unearths the future of agriculture - a marriage of age-old tradition and groundbreaking science. Industry pioneers from around the nation reveal the secrets behind human ...