回复 :一位中年电影导演和他多年未见的女儿一起,参观了一栋由室内设计师拥有的建筑。他们来是因为女儿也希望学习室内设计。设计师拥有这栋四层楼的无电梯建筑,她带他们逐层参观她所做的装修。他们三个人进入每一层的房间张望。影片以这种方式开始后,我们又重新从底层开始,一层一层地往上爬。
回复 :2018 年,34岁的夏伦·沃兹和她的两个女儿在科罗拉多州弗雷德里克失踪了。随着令人心碎的细节浮出水面,她们的故事成为了全世界的头条新闻。导演珍妮·波普尔韦尔完全通过社交媒体上的帖子、执法记录、短信和从未公开的家庭视频等档案片段来讲述该故事,为观众还原一起警方调查案件和一段破碎 婚姻的真相。《美国谋杀故事:隔壁那家人》是第一部为受害者发声的电影。
回复 :Created by the monarch, Dukedoms are gradually becoming extinct - the last one was created by Queen Victoria. In this one-off documentary Michael Waldman meets some of the last vestiges of this level of British aristocracy, and asks what has become of those who remain.In 2012 South African Bruce Murray found himself becoming the 12th Duke of Atholl and heading up the only private army in Europe - the Atholl Highlanders.If Camilla Osborne had been a boy, she would have inherited her father’s Dukedom, but now there is no longer a Duke of Leeds.The Duke and Duchess of St Albans don’t have a stately pile, but do have their coronets and coronation robes.One of the few Dukes to still sit in the House of Lords, The Eighth Duke of Montrose (pictured) is a hill farmer by trade. He continues the family tradition of being intimately involved in the political relationship between Scotland and England.The Duchess of Rutland was determined to make Belvoir Castle an efficient business, living onsite in one wing, with her estranged husband the Duke living in another. Their elder teen daughters are prepared for when the title is passed down to their younger brother.Whilst at Blenheim Palace, Lady Rosemary Spencer Churchill, daughter of the 10th Duke of Marlborough, revisits her childhood home. Her nephew succeeded to the title only recently and it’s a rather a different Blenheim to the one she remembers.