回复 :Def Comedy Jam 25 celebrates the impact and legacy of the groundbreaking HBO comedy series Def Comedy Jam, which debut 25-years ago running from 1992 to 1997. Def Comedy Jam 25 celebrates the impact and legacy of the long-running comedy series with surprise guests, tributes, and performances of unbelievably funny and raw moments.
回复 :Hardship and beauty lie cheek by jowl in Rosa’s home in the wilds of Calabria. When she becomes aware of her family’s involvement in the mafia, she has to decide how far she is willing to go in order to break out of the ’Ndrangheta.
回复 :20世纪60年代,美国职业棒球界英才辈出。生活在密苏里的年轻选手罗杰·马里斯(贝瑞·派伯 Barry Pepper 饰)表现甚为抢眼,他最终得到机会转往高手云集的纽约扬基队。扬基队的当家投手是米基·曼托(托马斯·简 Thomas Jane 饰),他为人亲和友善,积极扶植新人,令所有的队友都如沐春风。但是由于早年一段痛苦经历,米基养成放荡不羁的习惯,他租住高级酒店套房,终日沉湎酒色财气,事业已经严重受到威胁。为了帮米基重振雄风,罗杰将他接到自己的公寓,回归正常的生活。在此之前,美国职棒史上的传奇人物贝比·鲁斯(Babe Ruth)曾创下单赛季60个全垒打的纪录。以此为目标,罗杰和米基同时向新纪录展开冲击……