回复 :第三季的主题是“诱拐事件×都知事选举”。町田扮演的因暴力事件而被蒙冤的原新闻记者·渡边达哉,为了改变东京而决定参加都知事选举。在此过程中,发生了秘密推进东京湾填海造地工程的大型建设公司社长的千金被绑架的事件。拳一想出了兼顾达哉的选举运动和人质释放的秘诀。
回复 :柏林电影节特别展映21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in Berlin in the 1940s. Since the best hiding spots are in plain sight, Cioma decides to go out into the light to escape deportation. Using the identity of a marine officer he created for himself, he throws himself into the city's nightlife and even finds a fragile hope for love during the darkest moments of the war. Throughout the day he forges IDs with just a brush, some ink and a steady hand - and saves the lives of many others. His talent puts him in more and more danger, though, and at some point Cioma's only hope to survive is a last forged ID - with his own name on it.
回复 :雷是一名实习生,他有一种特殊的能力,能够看清老板林的真实身份,大家都认为他是邪恶的。然而,他会尽一切努力赢得她的心。