回复 :来自偏远山村的吴协(外号“无鞋”)与奶奶相依为命,他篮球梦的开始源自于奶奶捡破烂时带来的那个破旧篮球。紫凤在直播视频中无意拍到了穿拖鞋灌篮的“无鞋”而爆红网络,她发现财路,想将“无鞋”打造成街头篮球巨星,在半职业球员“花豹”的特训下,“无鞋”的球技突飞猛进,单挑各大街球高手更加让他名声大振!然而渐入巅峰的“无鞋”却在与街球帝肖峰的对决中离奇受伤、唯一的亲人奶奶病故,还查出来他患有PSTD创伤性应激综合征!最终,在紫凤、花豹以及发小唐昊的帮助下,“无鞋”克服了心理障碍,重拾信心疯狂训练,后来和花豹、唐昊组成了横扫各大街球劲旅的“无花糖”组合,获得了“魔鲨杯”街球赛冠军!
回复 :刑警队长兰少平因工作失误被革职。被革职的兰少平发现“罪案实录摄影展”的冠军作品表现的是一起有预谋的谋杀案,可其他刑警都不同意这种说法,作者金佑昆说是她的偶然发然。冲破重重阻力,兰少平的调查有了进展,他在金家找到了凶器,但一直到暗恋金佑坤的冯大可的出现才使案情真相大白……
回复 :Amiko isn’t like other children. Her endless energy and curious eccentricities make her an outcast at school and get her in trouble at home. When a painful family loss disrupts her seemingly idyllic seaside life, her sense of isolation intensifies, yet it doesn’t stop Amiko from inviting people into her world.Morii Yusuke’s directorial debut is a confident and compassionate story about a child’s imagination. The film balances sorrow with joy and harsh lessons with naive delight – much like growing up. Crucially, Amiko never forgets who is at the centre of the story. The wry humour and detailed compositions of small-town Japan, as well as the film’s hopeful tenor, are reminiscent of Ogigami Naoko or Hirokazu Kore-eda’s works. The gentle and languorous atmosphere is enriched by a score from upcoming folk star Ichiko Aoba.Kana Osawa delivers an exquisite, force-of-nature performance as young Amiko. Effortlessly natural, her commanding presence and vitality carry great weight whilst ensuring the film never falls into despair. Amiko’s unbeaten spirit in the face of tired adults and uncooperative classmates lets us go through the pain, as well as experience flashes of mischievous whimsy, alongside a spiriting musical sequence that will ensure you’ll never listen to a conga drum the same way.