回复 :魏成功(魏翔 饰)非常热爱表演,然而其貌不扬的他往往只能够在电影里觅得一个跑龙套的角色,可即便如此,魏成功还是无比认真的对待着自己的每一个甚至连名字都没有的角色,这股子劲头引起了当红女明星米兰(马丽 饰)的注意。米兰的弟弟米勒(黄才伦 饰)是一名电影导演,黑帮大佬哈维(陈明昊 饰)给他的电影投资了不菲的资金,哪知道亏得底裤都不剩,哈维一直爱慕着米兰,想要娶她为妻,可是米兰誓死不从。这一天,当哈维决定和姐弟两算总账之际,米兰告诉哈维自己认识他一直想要寻找的杀手卡尔(艾伦 饰)。哈维给了米兰一天的时间,让他把卡尔带到自己面前,实际上并不认识卡尔的米兰决定让魏成功来扮演这位冷酷的杀手。
回复 :A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max jogs in the mornings and routinely passes a psychic. She spontaenously predicts that one night a serial killer will attack Eddie on the beach.Eddie is sampling various drugs with his friend, Smiley, and having unprotected sex. He ignores the advice of his father as a rule and seems beyond hope of redemption in the eyes of mainstream society. He shows potential for betterment when he prevents the murder of a rival gang member. Max saves Eddie from the serial killer.
回复 :快餐店打工仔阿银(周星驰)某日送快餐时邂逅正在武术训练馆学习日本空手道的阿丽(钟丽缇),对其一见钟情。遭遇同样喜欢阿缇的武馆教练林国斌的羞辱后,自觉太弱小的阿银决定拜自称为“魔鬼筋肉人”的达叔(吴孟达)为师,达叔一开始只想骗取阿银的钱财,终被其善良和执着打动,开始教授其中国古拳法。阿丽遇坏人拦截,阿银头戴加菲猫面具出手相救,情急之下从高台上抱着歹徒滚下,却由此创出了“无敌风火轮”,不料事后被林国斌领功。为了证实自己的实力,阿银报名参加了搏击比赛与林国斌决斗,想借此再赢阿丽芳心。