该片改编自在全球22个国家出刊的畅销小说家纪尧姆·米索(Guillaume Musso)的同名小说。讲述的是一位医生重返过去和数十年前的自己相遇,有秘为了拯救已逝的恋人而往返于过去和现在的故事。金允锡饰演现在的男主人公,有秘而卞耀汉则饰演过去年轻时的男主人公。
该片改编自在全球22个国家出刊的畅销小说家纪尧姆·米索(Guillaume Musso)的同名小说。讲述的是一位医生重返过去和数十年前的自己相遇,有秘为了拯救已逝的恋人而往返于过去和现在的故事。金允锡饰演现在的男主人公,有秘而卞耀汉则饰演过去年轻时的男主人公。
回复 :影片以1964年贵州省领导去北京请毛主席题写“遵义会议会址”时毛主席忆起遵义会议之后因情报不准确导致土城战役失利从而组建红军情报先遣队的故事展开,主要讲述红军先遣小分队克服重重困难,与敌人斗智斗勇并最终以微弱之力为红军取得宝贵情报和时间,从而赢得娄山关大捷,逆转了红军长征中处处被动局面的震撼故事。
回复 :何非(朱一龙 饰)的妻子李木子在结婚周年旅行中离奇消失,在何非苦寻无果之时妻子(文咏珊 饰)再次现身,何非却坚持眼前的陌生女人并非妻子,妻子拿出了身份证明进行自证,夫妻二人似乎都有不可告人的秘密,随着金牌律师陈麦介入到这起离奇案件中,更多的谜团慢慢浮现……本片改编自苏联电影《为单身汉设下的陷阱 Ловушка для одинокого мужчины》。
回复 :Can you film me without anyone knowing...not even me?A paparazzi reporter and a female doctor with exhibitionism can't help their instincts. Jae-hoon was a cameraman but he was fired for something and is now a paparazzi. He is known for his neat work but his usual task is catching people in affairs. One day he gets a call from a woman asking him to keep watch on her twin sister. The sister owns a sexual consulting clinic so he goes as a patient. Then he starts to watch her in secret. As time goes, he shows signs of voyeurism and obsesses with her. The doctor's sister cancels her request but it's too late. Then he finds out that the doctor wasn't a twin sister but in fact the client herself and he blinds himself. Did Jae-hoon's voyeurism go away or was he a sexual pervert? Or did he really love the doctor?