回复 :The Congo: more powerful and dangerous than any other river, yet a sanctuary and home for some of the most wonderful creatures on our Earth.Wild Congo follows the second largest river on Earth from its source in Zambia on its journey through marshland areas and rainforests.The Congo's journey stretches over a distance of 5,000 kilometres, starting as a small stream and developing into a raging river that engulfs everything in its path.Biologists consider it to be the cradle of evolution: an experimental location for the emergence of new species!The shoebill, elephant fish and blind eel are just a few examples of the wildlife of the Congo and its astounding ability to adapt.Being separated by the water masses of the Congo River has also enabled our closest relatives, chimpanzees and bonobos, to develop completely different social systems, with violence and oppression reigning on...
回复 :《最后的北极远征》跟随冒险家艾瑞克拉尔森(EricLarsen)和莱恩瓦特斯(RyanWaters),尝试滑雪远征北极。在旅途过程中,他们必须面对危险的冰风暴、饥饿的北极熊、燃料和食物短缺,还有熬过受伤以及克服迅速变薄的冰层。他们没有任何协助、没有任何支援,也就是说两人必须自己拉着两台136公斤重的雪橇,一切靠自己生存下来。世界上不到250人曾经从陆地走到北极圈,其中只有寥寥50人在没有协助下独立完成。全球暖化使得夏季融冰提早到春季就开始,他们的行程必须在5月5日前结束。
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